Our students, teachers, clients, members, and partners aspire to make a positive change in our communities.
Recognized under Swiss law, we believe every learner should have access to a teacher's support regardless of their individual circumstances.
Founded by Canadian-Swiss teacher May D. Gavini, the project was a response to "a niggling call from the universe to give back".
In 2008, Zürich tax authorities granted ACTIVEVOICE its status of Tax Exemption for supporting education intiatives world wide.
by Zurich Tax Authority, Switzerland, December 20081. When you donate or contribute over CHF 100 your funds are tax deductible (according to applicable laws). Zurich Tax Authority granted ACTIVEVOICE tax exemption status on December 2008 for our work and support of social education initiatives:
• fundraising for girls scholarships• consultation on educational programs
• development of study materials
• support of teachers for humanitarian projects
• promotion of ending world illiteracy
2. Our social business promise:
• give maximum benefits to our learners and members• transparent business practices: cost effective, avoid losses
• generate surplus for improvement & expansion of association
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