BLOG 2024 Sat.12.Oct




Hello Student - It's OK not to be OK.


Don't let this smiley photo fool you. I actually had a very heavy heart and faked being happy for the snap.


Life happened. I had lost a very dear loved one during a chaotic time professionally and personnally.  
It's hard to be and do normal. Grief is the price we pay for love.

I am a happy person naturally, so it was a challenge getting out of such a low place.

3 hacks I used to get out a funk:

1. I faked being OK in front of people who I didn't know well.
I let my close circle and good colleagues in on my private struggle. But in public I made an effort to put up a good front. 
I didn't want anyone else to be negatively impacted by my issues.

2. I ate food that nourished my soul.

Life felt too short and fragile to have a bad meal. There's a reason the terms "comfort food" and "soul food" exist.

3. I adopted a radical attitude of gratitude.
At my low points, I remained thankful for the gift of knowing my loved one. I was grateful for my tribe.
I appreciated the little things (my bed, Netflix, YouTube, a hot shower, hearing from friends and family).

Whatever you're going through, it will pass. Until it does, find some hacks to help you rise.


Sending you a healing hug, –May✨