BLOG 2025 | Sun.26.Jan


RADICAL SHIFT | My 3 Changes


Welcome Student – 2025 is your year to THRIVE


Looking back on years past, we can see what's been working for us or keeping us stuck.
Not so easy distilling regret, shame, guilt, or even self-loathing from what really matters.
A new year allows us a collective reboot. It's time to reset, retool and RISE. 


3 Radical Shifts I am making to get unstuck and get things-that-matter-to-me done: 


1. Radical Scheduling
a. I listed EVERYTHING* I want to do and need to do
(*projects/tasks fell into: professional, personal, passion) 

b. I used AI to put everything in manageble TIME SLOTS**
(**daily, weekly, monthly, yearly with completion targets/milestones)

c. I refer to my radical schedule doc*** often. I joyfully check off items all day long.
(***Visual Calendar with Daily Breakdown | Structured Routine for Dreams and Projects)

2. Non-negotiable Breaks
a. I have 5 from morning to evening (2 optional ones when needed)

b. This is a challenge when I'm in the zone. Then, it becomes a delightful self-care habit. 

c. I can now fully appreciate post-break "boost benefits".


3. Grace. Gratitude. Gentle Revolution.

a. I have lofty goals. I trust wholeheartedly in divine Grace.

b. I am deeply grateful to EVERYONE who helped me keep going.

c. I strive to be gentle as I navigate this next passage on life's journey.


Wishin you a great radical ride! –May ✨